Saturday, May 12, 2012

GBS bar and restaurant: Howick

Thought I'd keep this site going as an incentive for Allie to do the same...What you think, Alle-Belle?
Kia Ora New Zealand!

Where? GBS in Howick
Who? Tovah and 10 others from "Meetup: Nightlife"
Amount spent: $17 on a toasted baguette and $18 on two vodka and oranges (screwdrivers)

Food and drink verdict:
When you go to a bar and you are from Gisborne you expect bar food. That usually includes chips, nachoes, wedges and the occasional prawn skewers/fried food baskets....
Only chips and wedges were on the menu alongside pizza, baguettes and $35 platters.
There wasn't much to choose from under $10 so I decided to just go with something that sounded delicious:
Toasted chicken baguette with bacon, coleslaw and relish.
Can you ever go wrong wtih bacon in your meal?

Year 2054 passed and I finally received my dinner. By that point I had forgotten I was hungry and was rather annoyed after asking twice and hearing "It's two minutes away".
Truthfully, they took a decent hour and a half.
But in the meantime, I enjoyed great covered music by two not too bad looking men on guitars.
I sung along to all but one song. To get a fair idea of the genres they played, I heard:
Valerie Amy Winehouse
Black and Gold Sam Sparrow
and even Freak me Silk (laughed the most when that was sung).
There were a couple of real beauties but I can't remember them (possibly because my birds are squawking to go outside, which is both annoying and distracting).
The tables were positioned well, which meant a lot, once loads of "fans" came to support the guys on guitars around 10pm.
We weren't crammed, which surprised me, with how many people were actually in the one area of the bar (restaurant was completely separate).
I managed to have a hilarious barside chat to a bar tender about being cheap when I buy things for myself which he laughed and thanked me for being honest. I wasn't impressed with the open shirt and chest hair business that was going on with him though...but all in all he was a nice guy and customer service can really affect a night, so I was glad that he was nice.
Back I went to a table filled with people I had only just met and I enjoyed doing what I do best, chatting about my school and how much I love my kids.
This was accompanied with primary school and intermediate chats by fellow teachers at the table.
----Honestly, teachers are drawn together somehow. No matter where I go, I'll find one lurking near...ready to tell me all about their classes!----
I mentioned that I give my students the odd whack with a ruler or book and they were mortified though.
I guess primary school teachers don't understand the concept that most huge boys see this as not punishment but rather a minor version of another "fake fight" with one of the boys.
I had to clarify that I was not one for corporal punishment.

All and all I exchanged numbers with one of the teachers and we'll be hanging out again in the near future.
I think GPS is a great bar to meet people in. It's safe, no one seems dodgy (possibly because it's in Howick not a crazy pub in town), it's roomy and somewhat comfortable and the music is great. I'd go again, but with the prices and patience you've got to have a full time job to truly enjoy it.

Rate: 7/10


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